RD Global M&D
The RD Group of Companies was established in February 2007 with my dream of developing into a conglomerate having multifarious business activities and operations spread across the globe in healthcare, medical research, diagnostics, health communication, medical and surgical, civil works, elderly care and the marketing and distribution of healthcare products. The Group today encompasses Freeport Medical Centre, Wings of Care – Home for the Elderly, RD Global (Marketing and Distribution) and RD Premium Blocks.
We are constantly pursuing new business opportunities in healthcare products and life style products. Keeping in line with our vision to penetrate the health care market and acquire larger market share for our products, with our brands eventually becoming household names.
RD Global Marketing & Distribution will partner leading healthcare product manufacturers to distribute and market their products to leading institutions in Trinidad & Tobago. We seek innovative and evidence base products proven to work. I envision RD Global Marketing & Distribution as a pioneering enterprise in various sectors of the Trinbagonian market, providing utmost quality of service to customers and fulfilling our responsibility to the community by bringing life enhancing products into the market.
We have strong alliances with leading brands across the globe in marketing and distribution. Our trade partnerships, with major retailers and health care providers combined with valuable experience in the region will help to position us in Trinidad & Tobago’s marketing and distribution network as a leader of quality medical products.
While we continue to provide quality products and ethical services to all our stake holders, we are completely committed to safeguard their trust and confidence.
I hope you find our website interesting and useful in gaining a better insight of RD Global Marketing & Distribution.
Contact Us
Visit Our Office
Address: #9 Sankar Drive Longdenville
Phone: Phone: (868) 665-4545
Email: communications@rdgrouptt.com
Business Hours
Mon. - Fri. 8am to 4pm
Sat. 8am to 12pm
Sun. Closed
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